9-10-03 Latest News |
LA: Bilbo Birthday Party Celebration!
Calisuri @ 1:30 pm EST
Were you wondering if TORn was going to have their 2nd annual Baggings Birthday picnic, and were you beginning to despair? Well, we haven't been hasty in announcing it, but the answer is "yes"! The picnic will take place from noon to 6pm on Sunday September 21st at the Hollywood Camrose park (where Bowlmoot was hosted last year as some of you may remember), one block south of the Hollywood Bowl.
As always, costuming is highly encouraged, and there will be contests and games and great prizes. Sadly, this event will also be a "Sarumann Going Away Party". Yes, our very own Sarumann (Josh) has elected to sail into the East and return home to his own Shirefolk. So please come in great numbers to wish him a very fond farewell.
As this is a potluck event, please contact Arwen at arwen@theonering.net to let her know what items you will be contributing - and check the news page in the next few days for more details about the picnic (directions, hours, festivities). We hope to see you there!