10-19-01 Latest News |
Weta/Sideshow deal for Kiwis!
Tehanu @ 6:45 am EST
Here's a great offer for LOTR fans in NZ, Thanks to Ian Brodie of the NZ Fighter Pilots' Museum. Some of you may remember that PJ himself has a liking for old planes too! So, from the ranks of the Tolkien Fans who Like Aviation:
"As a total fan I am so pleased to be able to offer these amazing figures to New Zealanders through our secure internet store. [I asked - this is for New Zealanders only! - Tehanu]
"We are very pleased to announce that the amazing Sideshow Weta Collectible figures, busts and helms are now available in New Zealand via our secure internet store at nzfpm.co.nz Whilst we are a museum normally selling aviation memorabilia I am a total enthusiast for the Lord of the Rings and am totally amazed by the quality that Weta in Wellington have been able to produce. We are based at Wanaka, New Zealand and look forward to providing you with these lasting images of the three movies. Images will be posted shortly onto the store but in the meantime if you have any queries please contact me at ibrodie@nzfpm.co.nz
"I would be happy to offer a 7.5% discount off the quoted prices for those that mention that the order came via www.theonering.net You have all done a wonderful job for us enthusiasts!"