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Sarah McLeod
Sarah Mcleod

Full Name: Sarah McLeod
Birthdate: July 18, 1971
Birthplace: Putaruru, New Zealand
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5' 7"
Spouse: unknown
Children: Maisy

Biography: Sarah McLeod was born on the 18th of July 1971 in Putaruru, New Zealand. She has one child, Maisy, who was 12 weeks old at the time Sarah's Lord of the Rings scenes were shot. She had previously worked with Peter Jackson on the mockumentary Forgotten Silver, in which she played May Belle, as well as commercial work, a guest spot on William Shatner's a Twist in the Tale and a role as host on the children's television show Get Real.

She prefers not to give a lot of personal information out, saying "I quite like the idea that I'm a sort of an enigma, and that alot of people have to work to discover who the real Sarah McLeod is!".

source: A Rose Garden

Sarah McLeod
Movie Notes

Cast in the role of Rosie Cotton
Rosie Cotton


"I was up at 5 am every morning getting my feet put on. You don't see my feet at all in the first film, but you may see them more in the third film. I had the most amazing wig, it was beautiful, and it was made from real hair." - TORn Interview (Transcript)

(on the other Sarah McLeod) "I thought that was quite amusing, and yes I was fully aware of it. I had been following that for a while as well. When I first saw that I thought 'oh my god they've got the wrong Sarah McLeod!' and I thought it would be pompous of me to say 'Hello, this is the REAL me thanks', so I just left it. - TORn Interview (Transcript)

Movie Images

FotR - Rosie dances at Bilbo's Birthday
FotR - Rosie and Sam at the Green Dragon
Decipher Card - Rosie Cotton

Past Roles

Bridget in Via Satellite (1997)
Starring role in Get Real (1996) (tv series)
May Belle in Forgotten Silver (1995)


IMDB - Sarah McLeod
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